FQ091019, R
Chapter 3 - System Setup
Section 3-10
Connectivity Setup
Connectivity Introduction
The Vivid q N ultrasound unit can be connected to various connectivity devices, such as DICOM
devices and EchoPac servers. The following sections describe how to connect the system to a remote
archive/work station or a DICOM service, using a TCP/IP connection.
This section describes communication and connection options between the Vivid q N ultrasound unit
and other devices in the hospital information system.
The following scenarios are covered:
A stand-alone Vivid q N scanner.
A Vivid q N and one or several EchoPAC PC workstations in a “Sneaker Net” environment.
(“Sneaker Net” means that you use an MO Disk to move data because no network is available).
A Vivid q N and an EchoPAC PC workstation in a direct connect environment.
A Vivid q N and a DICOM server in a network.
A Vivid q N scanner configured for MPEGVue export to removable media: CD, DVD, or
USB Memory stick. (Data can later be viewed on any remote PC).
A Vivid q N workstation connected to the Hospital Information System (HIS), via the Vivid HL7
A Vivid q N scanner configured for eVue.
Images or loops may be transmitted to a designated PC (“e-Vue PC”) on the network (in compact
MPEG format), and will appear at the review PC in almost real time.
The Dataflow Concept
Communication between the Vivid q N ultrasound unit and other information providers on the network
takes the form of dataflows. Each dataflow defines the transfer of patient information from either an input
source to the unit, or from the unit to an output source (see examples in
Patient information can include demographic data and images, as well as reports and Measurement
and Analysis (M&A) data.
A dataflow is a set of pre-configured services. Selecting a dataflow will automatically customize the
ultrasound unit to work according to the services associated with this dataflow.
By utilizing dataflows, the user can configure the Vivid q N ultrasound unit to optimally meet the needs
of the facility, while keeping the user interface unchanged. Once the dataflow is selected, the actual
location of the database is entirely transparent.
Dataflow Naming Convention
The predefined dataflows have descriptive names.
LocalArchive-MOD dataflow
The name indicates that patient data is archived locally in the archive on the internal hard disk and
images are stored to an MO disk.
A list of all the predefined dataflows is included in the Vivid q N User Manual.