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Door Switch Assembly
The door switch assembly on PermaTuf tub models
consists of 2 switches activated by a spring-loaded
plunger. One door switch connects or disconnects
the line (hot) side of 120 VAC. The other switch
connects or disconnects the neutral side of 120 VAC.
On stainless steel tub models, there is only 1 switch
that connects or disconnects the line (hot) side of
120 VAC.
When the door is in the closed position, the door
latch presses and holds down the switch plunger on
the door switch assembly. This action holds the door
fi rmly against the seal with the contacts of the door
switches closed.
To remove the door switch assembly (PermaTuf
tub models):
1. Disconnect the power supply to the dishwasher.
2. Remove the inner door panel. (See
Inner Door
Panel (PermaTuf Tub Models)
3. Remove the 2 Phillips-head screws from the
door switch and remove the insulator.
Caution: The door switch insulator must be in place
when installing the door switch.
4. Remove the bracket from the door switch.
5. Disconnect the 2 wires connected to each door
switch. (1 switch not shown.)
To remove the door switch assembly (stainless
steel tub models):
1. Disconnect the power supply to the dishwasher.
2. Remove the outer door panel. (See
Outer Door
Panel (Stainless Steel Tub Models)
3. Disconnect the 2 wires from the door switch.
4. Remove the 3 Phillips-head screws from the
door switch.