Filters Module
Dual mode filter module includes two Moog lowpass-resonant filters in parallel to stereo output or a
highpass and lowpass-resonant filters in series, for highpass, bandpass, or lowpass filtering.
CUTOFF control sweeps the frequencies of both filters throughout the audio range.
SPACING control sets the spacing between the frequencies of the two lowpass filters or controls the
frequency of the highpass filter, over a +/-3 octave range.
RESONANCE control adjusts the resonance of both filters, from none to filter oscillation.
KEYBOARD CONTROL AMOUNT control sets how much the filters open and close as the player presses
different keys on the keyboard controlling the Voyager Rack Mount.
DUAL LOWPASS/ HIGHPASS-LOWPASS switch selects between two lowpass filters in parallel or a lowpass
and highpass filter in series.
Envelopes Module
The Envelopes Module generates two wide-range ADSR (Attack Decay Sustain Release) envelopes.
The Filter Envelope sweeps the filter and is available for modulation shaping. The Volume Envelope
shapes the overall volume.
Two ATTACK controls determine the attack times of the envelopes.
Two DECAY controls determine the decay time constants of the envelopes.
Two SUSTAIN controls determine the sustain levels of the envelopes.
Two RELEASE controls determine the release time constants of the envelopes.
AMOUNT TO FILTER control determines how much the filter envelope will open and close the filter, from
full negative (inverted envelope) to full positive (non-inverted envelope).
ENVELOPE GATE switch selects whether the envelopes will be triggered by the keyboard or by
programmable envelope gate sources, including Keyboard Gate, S+H Gate (LFO), and MIDI Clock, allowing
independent triggering of the two envelopes.
LFO Module
Low Frequency Oscillator generates triangular, square, Sample & Hold, and smoothed Sample &
Hold waveforms for use as modulating signals.
RATE control sets the LFO rate over the range 0.2 Hz (one cycle every five seconds) to 50 Hz (50 times a
SYNC selector selects LFO synchronization source to be from the keyboard gate, MIDI Clock, external
gate, or off (no synchronization).
RATE LED provides visual indication of the LFO rate.
Modulation Busses Module
Selects the sources, destinations, and shaping signals for the MOD WHEEL bus and the PEDAL/ON
Two SOURCE selectors select the modulation source from the LFO waveforms, Oscillator# 3, the MOD2
Voltage, or a software selectable source whose default is noise.