Keypad functions
The in�k1000+ keypad will provide reminders about
maintenance required on your spa, like rinsing or cleaning
the filter� Every task has its own duration based on
normal use�
The Reminders menu allows you to check the time left
before maintenance is required, as well as to reset the
time once a task has been completed�
To reset a task, select it by pressing the curved arrow,
then confirm when prompted� Once you have confirmed,
the task will be reset�
You can also use the option
Reset Reminders
to reset all
the reminders�
Date and Time
Use this page to change Date/Time settings�
The Standby mode allows you to service your spa� Pumps
will stop for 30 minutes and will automatically restart after�
The normal page will return at the end, once the pumps
will be restarted�