Subwoofer in Analogue
Matrix Surround Sound
When using a single subwoofer in an
analogue matrix surround sound
system, such as Dolby Surround or
Dolby Pro-Logic, only the front three
channels should be connected to the
subwoofer inputs (see figure 9 above).
All front channels that are used should
be connected via the subwoofer so
that the output of the subwoofer is
matched to the rest of the system. All
other surround sound channels should
be connected as normal.
If there is a subwoofer channel output
on the decoder it should NOT be
connected to the subwoofer speaker
since the filtering within the decoder
will effect the performance of the
Subwoofer in Digital
Discrete 5.1 Surround
Sound systems
Digital decoders, for example, Dolby
Digital Surround (AC-3), DTS and
DMAG2, have a discrete subwoofer
channel output which should be
connected to the sub input on the
1092A or 1094A (see figure 10 above).
This enables the subwoofer to correctly
reproduce all the sub-bass information
in the mix. Genelec Subwoofers can
be used to good effect in “Discrete
5.1” system surround channels as
they are wide band.
Digital decoders do not limit the
bandwidth of the rear channels. If
necessary, a second Genelec 1092A
or 1094A subwoofer can be connected
to the rear channels.
Figure 9.
Subwoofer in an
Analogue Matrix
Surround Sound
Figure 10.
Subwoofer in a
digital Discrete
5.1 Surround
Sound system