iSXblue/SXBlue II GNSS Series Technical Reference Manual
Where the elevation mask cut-off angle, ‘e’, may be a value from 0 to 60 degrees.
The iSXBlue/SXBlue II GNSS will reply with the following response:
This command allows the user to specify the number of decimal places output in the GGA and GLL
This command has the following definition:
Where “x” specifies the number of decimal places from 1 to 8. This command will affect both the GGA
and the GLL messages.
This command allows the GPGGA, GPVTG, GPGSA, and GPZDA messages to be all output with the
issue of a single command. The output rate of each message is limited to 1 Hz, however, you may choose
the set the baud rate of the current or another port at the same time.
This command has the following definition:
$J4STRING[,r][,PORTy] <CR><LF>
Where ‘r’ may be one of the following baud rates:
Baud Rates
When the ‘,PORTy’ data field is specified (without the square brackets and where ‘y’ is A, B or C), this
command will turn on the four NMEA messages on the specified port. Remember that the Bluetooth port
(A) is fixed at 57600 baud (9600 for serial number prior to 0808A100).
The iSXBlue/SXBlue II GNSS will reply with the following response:
The $JSMOOTH command enables the user to change the carrier smoothing interval. This command was
designed to offer the user flexibility for tuning in different environments.