iSXblue/SXBlue II GNSS Series Technical Reference Manual
Note - Both latitude and longitude must be entered as decimal degrees. The receiver will not accept
the command if there are no decimal places.
This command is used to force the receiver to use the new reference point. This command is normally
used following a $JRAD,1 type command.
This command has the following format:
The iSXBlue/SXBlue II GNSS will reply with the following response:
This command is used for two primary purposes. The first is to invoke the Auto-Dif function once the
unit has started up (with the Auto-Dif application active). The second purpose is to update the Auto-Dif
solution (calibration) using the current position as opposed to the reference position used by the $JRAD,2
command. This command has the following format:
The receiver will respond with the following command if it has tracked enough satellites for a long
enough period before you sent the command. This period of time can be from 3 to 10 minutes long and is
used for modeling errors going forward.
If the Auto-Dif algorithms do not find that there has been sufficient data collected, the iSXBlue/SXBlue II
GNSS will send the following response:
$>JRAD,3,FAILED,Not Enough Stable Satellite Tracks
If you receive the failure message after a few minutes of operation, try again shortly until the ‘OK’
acknowledgement message is sent. The Auto-Dif application will begin operating as soon as the
$JRAD,3,OK message has been sent, however, you will still need to define a reference position for Auto-
Dif, unless relative positioning is sufficient for your needs.
Auto-Dif Commands in Base Station Mode
This section provides information related to the NMEA messages accepted by the iSXBlue/SXBlue II
GNSS’ optional Auto-Dif application. The following table provides a brief description of the commands
supported by the Auto-Dif application for its control and operation in a fixed Base Station mode.