iSXblue/SXBlue II GNSS Series Technical Reference Manual
Auto-Dif cycles per day, and monitor performance against a known coordinate. This should be done over
a number of days with different states of the ionosphere.
You can monitor the energy level of the ionosphere based upon the amount of solar flare activity at the
following Web sites:
Recording Raw data and converting to RINEX
Raw data is used for applications in which post-processing is required. Some off-the-shelf software
support the iSXBlue/SXBlue II binary format and take care of the logging during the data collection
session. Geneq EZSurv software also allows post-processing of the collected data.
Shall a in-house software requires logging the iSXBlue/SXBlue II raw data, the following binary
messages should be recorded: Bin 65 (GLONASS Ephemeris), Bin 66 (GLONASS L1/L2 code and
carrier phase), Bin 76 (GPS L1/L2 code and carrier phase), Bin 95 (GPS ephemeris), Bin 96 (GPS L1
code and carrier phase). Refer to Chapter 5 for more information on the Binary messages.
Using SXBlue Config to Log Raw Data
Both the PC and Windows Mobile versions of SXBlue Config can be used to record raw data.