SXBlue GPS Reference Manual
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4.6 Configuring Data Message Output
The SXBlue GPS features two primary bi-directional ports referred to as Serial and
Bluetooth. GPS data messages for both ports are easily configured by sending NMEA
commands to the SXBlue GPS through either of its communication ports (the output of the
Serial Port can be configured through Bluetooth, for instance and vice versa). The $JASC
NMEA message discussed in detail in Chapter 8 allows you to turn messages on and off as
you require. Although free utilities are available to configure the SXBlue GPS, a terminal
software can be used to send commands and query the receiver.
4.6.1 This Port and the Other Port
The NMEA interface for the Serial Port and the Bluetooth Port use ‘This’ and ‘Other’
terminology. When interfacing to a port for the sake of turning data messages on or off, on
that same port, the port is referred to as ‘This’ port. If you wish to turn a data message on or
off, on the opposite port to which you are communicating, the opposite port is referred to as
the ‘Other’ port.
For example, if you are communicating with the SXBlue GPS Serial Port, and wish to turn
the GPGGA message on at an update rate of 5 Hz on the Bluetooth Port, the following
command would be used.
If you wish to turn the GPGGA message on at 5 Hz on the Serial Port, you would issue the
following command.
When turning a message on or off on ‘This’ port, you do not need to indicate ‘This’ at the
end of the message. Consult chapter 8 for more information on NMEA messages.
4.7 Saving SXBlue GPS Configuration
Each time that you change the configuration of the SXBlue GPS, you may wish to save the
new configuration so the receiver does not have to be reconfigured again for the next power
To save the settings, issue the $JSAVE command and the receiver will record the current
configuration to non-volatile memory. The SXBlue GPS will let you know when the save
process has been completed which can take approximately five seconds.