SXBlue GPS Reference Manual
normally allow e-Dif to age for a maximum of 30 to 40 minutes; however, it’s up to you
on how long you will allow it to age. A simple update to the reference position will again
provide best performance.
Q – Will e-Dif correct for multipath?
A – No, there’s no method of differentially correcting multipath signals. There’s only
ways of reducing their impact on the measurements gathered by the receiver.
6.8 External Corrections
Q - My SXBlue GPS system doesn’t appear to be using corrections from an external
correction source, what could be the problem?
A - This could be due to a number of issues:
Make sure that the corrections are of an RTCM SC-104 protocol.
Make sure that the differential source is set to receive RTCM by issuing a
$JDIFF,THIS<cr><lf> on the RS-232 Serial port.
Check to see that the baud rates of the port used by the SXBlue GPS matches that of the
external correction source
The external correction source should be using an 8 data bit, no parity, and 1 stop bit serial
port configuration.
Inspect the cable connection to ensure there’s no sign of damage
Check the pin-out information for the cables to ensure that the transmit line of the external
correction source is connected to the receive line of the SXBlue GPS’s serial port and that
the signal grounds are connected.
6.9 Installation
Q - Does it matter where I mount the SXBlue GPS’s antenna?
A - Yes, the main consideration is that it must have an open hemisphere of sky for
satellite tracking. Additionally, the position that it computes is referenced to the center of
the antenna. It should be placed in the location for which you would like a position.
Often, this is the centerline of a vehicle or on a pole-mount for georeferencing.
Q - Can I use a vehicle’s power system to operate the SXBlue GPS system or do I need
a dedicated battery?
A - Yes you can for the 5V and 12 V models – For the 5V model, a cigarette lighter plug
is available from your dealer or Geneq. For the 12V model, the internal power supply of
the SXBlue GPS is designed for a voltage range from 9 to 18 VDC.