SXBlue GPS Reference Manual
This command has the following structure:
Where maximum differential age timeout variable, ‘age’, may be a value from 6 to 8100
The SXBlue GPS will reply with the following response:
8.3.3 $JOFF
This command allows you to turn off all data messages being output through the current
or other port, including any binary messages, such as Bin95 and Bin96, etc.
This command has the following definition:
When the ‘,OTHER’ data field is specified (without the square brackets), this command
will turn on the four NMEA messages on the other port.
There are no variable data fields for this message. The SXBlue GPS will reply with the
following response:
8.3.4 $JMASK
This command allows you to change the elevation cutoff mask angle for the GPS
engine. Any satellites below this mask angle will be ignored, even if available. The
default angle is 10 degrees, as satellites available below this angle will have significant
tropospheric refraction errors.
This message has the following format:
Where the elevation mask cutoff angle, ‘e’, may be a value from 0 to 60 degrees.
The SXBlue GPS will reply with the following response:
8.3.5 $J4STRING
This command allows the GPGGA, GPVTG, GPGSA, and GPZDA messages to all be
output with the issue of a single command. The output rate of each message is limited
to 1 Hz, however, you may choose the set the baud rate of the current or other port at
the same time.