THANK YOU for purchasing the GENERGY gasoline Generator.
● Copyright for these instructions belongs to our company S&G España.
● Reproduction, transference and distribution of any manual content is
forbidden without written authorization from S&G España.
● “GENERGY” and “ ” are, respectively, registered trademark and
logo of GENERGY products, owned by S&G España.
● S&G España reserves the right of modifying our products under the
GENERGY brand and reviewing the manual without prior consent.
● Use this manual as part of the generator. If you resell the generator, the
manual must be delivered along with the generator.
● This manual explains the correct form of operating the generator; please read
carefully before using the generator. Correct and safe operation will ensure your
safety and extend the life of the generator.
● S&G España is constantly innovating development of its GENERGY products,
in design as well as quality. Despite this being the most updated version of the
manual, the content of this manual may have slight differences from the product.
● Contact your GENERGY distributor in case of any questions or doubts.