Section 7 IFR Procedures
Ed Nov 2018
IDU-450 EFIS Software Version 8.0H (Rotorcraft)
for intercept terminations
for radial terminations
for manual terminations
Active Flight Plan
MFD Navigation
PFD Waypoint
Figure 7-10: Unnamed Waypoints
7.4. Discontinuities
Where the EFIS is unable to construct a smooth flight path as described
above due to active flight plan waypoint spacing (i.e., spacing too close for
turn radius), a discontinuity is placed between the waypoints. When a
discontinuity exists, no path nor skyway is drawn between the waypoints.
The pilot cannot activate the waypoint exiting the discontinuity, as it is not
possible to provide path guidance to this waypoint. Attempts to activate the
waypoint exiting the discontinuity activates the next waypoint or, if there is
no next waypoint (i.e., end of active flight plan), activation of the waypoint
leading into the discontinuity.
7.4.1. Manual Termination Legs
Manual termination legs (ARINC-424 path types FM and VM) are a special
case and are handled as follows:
1) The manual termination leg is rendered as a path on the database
course/heading for 10NM beyond either:
a) the previous waypoint (manual leg not active); or
b) the nearest on-path point (manual leg active);
2) Rendering of the manual termination leg does not terminate with a
waypoint symbol;
3) The manual termination leg is followed by a discontinuity;
4) Waypoint sequencing is suspended on the manual termination leg;
5) Once the CDI transitions to FROM operation,