Genius Advanced Technologies
seconds is the default interval time. Longer upload interval time can
save battery and GPRS data cost, but this will make the total mileage
to more error.
6. Keep Tracker Online
Send SMS “KEEPONLINE*123456” to tracker can make the tracker
keep online all the time, “KEEPONLINE” is a command, “123456” is
password, the tracker will not go to standby mode after the tracker
stop moving, it means the tracker will turn on the GPS module all the
time, then user can control the tracker all the time, this mode will cost
some GPRS data and power battery, this mode can be canceled and
got to default shock sensor control mode (If the tracker stop moving
2 minutes, it will turn off GPS and go to standby mode to save GPRS
data charge & car battery) by sending SMS command “CANCELA-
LARM*123456”. If the shock sensor sensitivity is not high enough
or the car is stolen, enable this mode can make the car can be con-
trolled all the time.
7. Remote Turn Off Car Engine (Cut Oil Power)
Send SMS “STOPENGINE*123456” to tracker, “STOPENGINE” is a
command, “123456” is password, the car engine will be turned off
immediately. The tracker will send back information “Turn Off Car
Engine Success”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault,
the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”.
The output current of the tracker is smaller than 500mA, so a relay
is necessary to install to turn off the car engine, and also a diode is
necessary to add to protect the tracker driving wire, the diagram is as
The remote turn off car engine can be disabled by “CANCELA-
LARM*123456” command, also “RESET*123456” command can dis-
able this command.