1.2 GK-405 Accessories
The GK-405 is sold with the following accessories:
GK-403-2 flying leads
CHG-04 universal charger
Universal power adapter
Three replacement fuses
1.3 GK-405 Vibrating Wire Readout Application
The GK-405 Vibrating Wire Readout Application (GK-405 VWRA) installs and runs on a
ruggedized handheld PC (see Figure 3) and is designed to communicate via Bluetooth with
Remote Modules connected to vibrating wire gages.
Figure 3 - Handheld PC (FPC-2) Running GK-405 VWRA
1.4 Before using the GK-405 Vibrating Wire Readout
The readout software runs as an application under Windows Mobile 5 or 6 operating system
installed on a handheld PC.
Please familiarize yourself with the handheld PC and the Windows Mobile OS.
It is assumed in the instructions below that you can launch applications from the Start button
including File Explorer and the Bluetooth Settings manager.
It is assumed that you can tap the keyboard icon as needed and use the onscreen keyboard to
enter text and numbers.