Low Flow Purging and Sampling
The Model 94000 12 vdc compressor has been designed for Low Flow purging and sampling. The unit will
operate most efficiently where long pump cycles are used. If your target flow rate is 200 mls/minute, use 2 x
30 second pump cycles per minute. Water should be discharged during the entire duration of each pump
cycle. For 100 mls/minute flow rate, use 1 x 1 minute pump cycle.
If Low Submergence operation of the pump controller is necessary, longer pump cycles become even more
important, as the vacuum used during the enhanced fill cycle is created by compressed air from the
compressor. When using Low Submergence, keep the enhanced fill cycle as short as possible. It is
important that the compressor pressure at the tank outlet be maintained above 35-40 psig to ensure
continuous satisfactory operation of the pump controller.