A. Install the terminal blocks to the power adapter and I/O devices.
For details, see
4. Connecting the Camera
later in the
Installation Guide
B. Install the supplied RJ-45 connector to the Ethernet cable.
C. Plug all the connectors to the camera panel.
D. Arrange the wires in the conduit connector and re-install it to the
1. Keep the unused holes plugged to waterproof the camera and
save the removed plugs.
2. Only thread the wires through their designated holes on the
conduit connector to make sure the wires are properly sealed.
1. To make the threading easier, it is advised to thread the wires
in the order described here.
2. Use a pair of pliers to help you pull the wires through the
Unscrew the indicated screws and lift the camera to help you
connect the wires.
Connect the wires to the camera.