Instructions for Use
Ergostik Blueflow
Serial no.: xx|8|201|yyy and 2203xxxxx
Version: 6 | Release date: 02 August 2022
Page 19
Sinus surgery or middle ear surgery or infection within 1 week
Due to increases in intrathoracic and intraabdominal pressure
Presence of pneumothorax
Thoracic surgery within 4 weeks
Abdominal surgery within 4 weeks
Late-term pregnancy
Infection control issues
Active or suspected transmissible respiratory or systemic infection,
including tuberculosis
Physical conditions predisposing to transmission of infections, such
as hemoptysis,
significant secretions, or oral lesions or oral bleeding
Spirometry should be discontinued if the patient experiences
pain during the maneuver. Relative contraindications do not
preclude spirometry but should be considered when ordering
spirometry. The decision to conduct spirometry is determined
by the ordering healthcare professional on the basis of their
evaluation of the risks and benefits of spirometry for the
particular patient. Potential contraindications should be
included in the request form for spirometry.
(Source: Graham, B. L. et al. 2019. Standardization of Spirometry 2019
Update. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 200, Iss 8, pp e70–e88.)