IQ lock AUT, EL / EL DL, EM / EM DL, C / C DL, M / M DL
Your contribution to environmental protection
1.7.2 Triggering via trigger mechanism of hold-open systems
In accordance with the DIBt Directive for hold-open systems, the following is necessary, taking account of the
difference for the use of the “permanently unlocked” and “secured by day” modes described:
Ceiling height above lintel lower edge ≤ 1 m
2 ceiling-mounted detectors are required
Deviation from DIBt Directive:
The installation of only one lintel-mounted detector is not authorised in this case, since the fire can only be de-
tected on one side if the door is closed.
Ceiling height above lintel lower edge > 1 m
2 ceiling-mounted detectors and 1 lintel-mounted detector are required This corresponds to 2 ceiling-mounted
detectors and 1 smoke control unit.
The smoke control unit (RSZ 5 and RSZ 6, includes power 1 lintel-mounted detector) is connected di-
rectly to the MST in accordance with wiring diagram.
1.7.3 Motor lock in “night” mode of operation
The motor lock is used in “night” mode of operation only. In the “night” mode of operation, the automatic
crossbar projection of 20 mm is implemented every time the door is closed. The GEZE SecuLogic admission
control, for example, regulates controlled admission. In this case, the bolt is retracted and the door can be passed
through against the direction of emergency exit.
With the motor lock control MST 210, different release times can be set using a DIP switch.
Setting of the release time
Opening time “x” = 1 s
Setting options for release time:
Switch position Release time
x + 1 s
(x) + 2 s
(x) + 5 s
(x) + 10 s
Set release time = 9 s
In order to ensure that the lock locks itself mechanically, the hold-open time must not exceed 4 seconds. For this
reason only switches 1 and 2 may be active in case of the DIP switch.
Your contribution to environmental protection
When disposing of the self-locking panic locks, separate the different materials and have them recycled.
Legal regulations must be observed during the disposal of self-locking panic locks.
GEZE self-locking panic locks are certified with the Environmental Product Declaration according to ISO
14025 from the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (Institute for Construction and the Environment). This approv-
al describes the specific environmental performance of the IQ locks and confirms that the GEZE lock family
promotes environmentally friendly and healthy construction work.