GHM Messtechnik GmbH – Standort Martens
Kiebitzhörn 18 ● 22885 Barsbüttel ● Germany
Phone +49-40-670 73-0 ● Fax -288 ●
The measuring range is selected with the DIP switches:
Pt100, Pt1000, thermocouple (type J, type K, type S) , NTC and linear
The black fields symbolise the position of the DIP switch
Sensor break and sensor short circuit
Monitoring for sensor breaks and short circuits also takes place in the measuring
ranges for Pt100 and Pt1000 sensors.
In this case, the relays become inactive and the scale light blinks red.
The analog output drops to approx. 0mA.
Trim potentiometer
The 12-turn trim potentiometer can
reduce the end value by 50%
change the zero point (start value) by +/- 40% based on the
factory measuring range
(= factory end value - factory start value)