Flow rate Norm:
Att.: Exch.
Flow rates
: This menu entry is the flow rate submenu.
The setting can be entered separately:
exchange flow rates (Exch.) from 80 to 160 m3/h;
room flow rates (Room), from 200 to 300 m3/h;
All flow rates can be set in the normal (Norm.) or attenuation mode (Att.).
Summer Delivery Temp.:
Air delivery temperatures in summer mode, one for the neutral air
function and one for the cooling integration function.
Winter Delivery Temp.:
Air delivery temperatures in winter mode, one for the neutral air
function and one for the heating integration function.
NOTE: Winter temperatures can be modified only when the winter integration is enabled
and the modulating valve is available.
Modulating valve:
This entry enables to confirm the presence of the external 3-way modulating
valve on the chilled water circuit to adjust the delivery temperature in summer even when the
compressor is OFF, or in winter when the winter integration is enabled.
Winter integration:
To enable winter integration. If the modulating valve is provided, the
winter delivery temperature can be adjusted, while only the hydraulic pump control relays can
be activated if there is no modulating valve.
Season source:
To decide if the season must be entered by digital input or keypad;
Compress. in Att.:
To decide if the compressor must be ON or OFF during attenuation.
Generally, the attenuation function is used to reduce the noise form the unit; in this case it
can be useful to stop the compressor.
Exch. Temp. Contr. (enabled/disabled)
: This function allows to deactivate the input relay for
water circulation. It is useful when the relay is used to control the water circulation in the unit
and interrupt it during exchange only.
Filter setting
: This sets a procedure to control the air filter cleaning.
The user can define an interval in hours for
the actual ventilation and a percentage
between 110% and 150%, referred to a
standard condition of the fan flow rate.
At the end of the interval, the unit resumes exchange standard operation at a 120 m3/h flow
rate and makes sure the fans do not exceed the setting speed percentage versus the initial
The initial conditions are acquired through the filter reset procedure which is displayed as
the last entry on the menu screen.
Filter Setting
Interv.: 150 h
Percentage:120 %