use this method, you must mount a switch on the mounting board that can be accessed through the
vent hole.
Finishing Recommendations
With fiberglass tubing, lightly sand rocket with 240-400 grit paper, prime and sand. With phenolic
tubing, prime with extra thick filler spray primer. Then fill spiral grooves with spot putty (available
from auto parts stores). Sand, and repeat priming as often as necessary. With laminated phenolic, just
prime and sand as necessary to smooth out veil texture. Paint with a good quality paint like Krylon.
Attach the decal only when paint is fully cured.
Vent Holes in Airframe - - IMPORTANT!
Because the air pressure is reduced at high altitudes, you will need to relieve the internal pressure in
both the recovery compartments (drogue and main), otherwise the airframe sections will slip apart
during ascent. So, drill one 1/8” hole about 16” back from the tip of the nosecone, and another similar
hole about 5” back from the top of the booster airframe. These holes are absolutely necessary for safe
flight. A little smaller (3/32”) is fine, but do not make them any bigger than 1/8” or you will reduce the
effectiveness of the ejection charge.
Fully constructed rocket, with the layout of the components shown.
Picture shows Firestorm 54, but configuration is the same for your kit.
Slimline Retainer Fin canister Drogue
Kevlar® Pad Kevlar cord Booster
Avionics Bay / upper section Kevlar® Pad Kevlar®cord Nosecone Main chute
Safety Code and Waiver:
iant Leap Rocketry, Inc. and KB Kits, LLC (herein referred to as Giant Leap Rocketry) has
exercised reasonable care in the design and construction of our products and carefully inspects every product prior to shipment.
However, since Giant Leap Rocketry cannot control the use of our products or information provided once sold, we cannot and do not
warrant the products or information included herewith or the performance or results obtained by using our products or information. Our
products and information are provided "AS IS". Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including but not limited to, non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the
product and any related published materials. To the extent you use or implement our products or information in your own setting, you do
so at your own risk. In no event will Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. be liable to you for any damages arising from your use or, your inability