according to regulation DIN 82079
Version 09.19
Date: 02.09.2019
Name: Manual_VARIO-PA
GIEBEL FilTec GmbH • Web
• Tel +49 (0) 7946 944401-0
Section 1: Information about the manufacturer
Giebel FilTec GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 5
DE-74626 Bretzfeld-Schwabbach
Phone. +49 (0) 7946 944401-0
Fax +49 (0) 7946 944401-29
Section 2:
Adsorber overview
DV 300-PA
DV 320-PA
DV 500-PA
DV 520-PA
DV 550-PA
DV 310-PA
DV 330-PA
DV 510-PA
DV 530-PA
DV 560-PA
Materials used:
Acrylic glass, aluminium, acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), activated carbon (moulded carbon),
Silica gel (amorphous silicon dioxide)
REACH notice:
No ingredients that must be named according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006.