Assembly and maintenance
according to regulation DIN 82079
Version 06.20
Date: 21.10.2021
Name: Manual_ME-RV_EN
GIEBEL FilTec GmbH |
| Accessories & Spare parts:
Section 6: Maintenance
Once the silica gel is completely saturated, a spare parts kit must be used.
Once the colour of the silica gel has completely changed according to the colour indicator used, it must
be replaced. At the same time, all wearing parts are replaced to ensure optimum use.
Remove the adsorber part by opening the closing clamps.
Adsorbers of the ME-RV 2L series are completely screwed off the system, as
they have no extra valve part.
2. Open the lid using the clamps.
3. Remove the seal in the cover and replace it with the new one.
4. Remove the activated carbon disc and empty the desiccant.
5. Pull out the filter element.
6. Remove the lower foam disc as well.
7. Loosen the circlip on the inside of the window, remove the window and flat
gasket. Insert the new inspection glass (shown in yellow) and flat seal (shown
in red) from the inside and reinstall the retaining ring.
8. Remove the flat gaskets on the bottom of the adsorber section and replace them
with the new ones.
9. Insert new foam disk.
10. Insert a new filter element and then fill in fresh desiccant. When filling in the
desiccant, lightly tap the housing with a soft object (e.g. the ball of your hand)
to compact the filling.
11. Insert a new activated carbon disc and then close the lid again using the clips.
In the case of an adsorber of the ME-RV 2L series, maintenance is now
complete and the adsorber is screwed back onto the system.
12. Place the adsorber section back on the valve section and close it using the