Subject to alterations, 22.11.21
Set the electrodes
16 Set the electrodes
The electrodes are preset at the factory.
17 Flame control with ionisation
UV-sonde QRA2
The flame monitor is used to monitor gas flames,
yellow / blue burning oil flames as well as for ignition
spark control
Trouble-free burner operation is only guaranteed if
the intensity of the UV radiation at the installation lo-
cation of the sensor is so great that it reliably ignites
during each half-wave.
The intensity of the UV radiation at the installation
location of the sensor is checked by measuring the
sensor current.
Measuring ionisation current
The ionisation current must be measured during
burner start-up and maintenance or after a fault in-
dication in the control box. Disconnect the plug of
the ionisation cable and connect the ionisation
measuring cable.
Perform measurement straight after the post-igni-
tion time during the safety time period !
The ionisation current must be at least 1.5
µA. Cur-
A. Cur-
rents lower than 1.5
µA cause unstable operation or
A cause unstable operation or
shutdown. If the current is too low clean the ionisa-
tion rod and the inside of the burner tube. It may be
necessary to correct the shape of the ionisation rod.
If the ionisation rod is defective, replace the elec-
trode. Reverse the polarity of the ignition transform-
er, if necessary. Check the cables for moisture
formation and dry if necessary.
ca. 30
ca. 5
ca. 3-4