03.06.20, Subject to alterations
Maintenance and customer service
3 Maintenance and customer service
The complete system should be checked once a
year for proper functioning and leak tightness by an
authorised representative of the manufacturer or by
another expert.
Only qualified personnel may open only for mainte-
nance, not during on-going operation. Prior to open-
ing/swinging out, de-energise the burner and let it
cool down. After completion of work, close the burn-
er again.
Wear protective clothing|/hearing protection when
working in the boiler house
We accept no liability for consequential damage in
cases of incorrect installation or repair, the fitting of
non-genuine parts or where the equipment has
been used for purposes for which it was not intend-
4 Operating instructions
The operating instructions together with this techni-
cal information leaflet must be displayed in a clearly
visible position in the boiler room. The address of
the nearest customer service centre must be dis-
played on the back of the operating instructions.
5 Instruction of operating personnel
Failures are often caused by operator error. The op-
erating personnel must be properly instructed in
how the burner works. In the event of recurring
faults, Customer Service should be notified.
6 Key for code designation
M G 2 0 / 1 - Z M - L - N - L N
Erdgas E+LL="-N" oder Flüssiggas="-F"
zweistufig gleitend / modulierend
Brennertyp / Leistungsgröße
Natural gas LL + E = "N", Liquid gas 3B/P = “F“
Air shut-off flap
Two-stage / modulating