Access Point
User’s Manual
Bridge -
Under the “Bridge” submenu, there are two options:
IP Configuration:
Under the “
” option, there is the submenu “IP Configuration”. The “Ethernet Address”,
The “IP Address” and “IP Mask” can also be modified through the “IP Configuration”, if DHCP client is not
enabled. If DHCP client is enabled the IP Address field displays the IP Address that was dynamically
assigned to the AP by the network DHCP server and the IP Mask field displays the IP Mask utilized by the
network DHCP server. Additional you have to select the Primary Port which is the interface that determines
the DHCP server. If changes are made, you need to “Download Changes” under the “File” menu in order to
save them.
If the IP Routing is enabled only the IP protocol packets will pass through
the WLAN and any other protocol filtered out
7. Under the “Wireless LAN” option, the following submenus are available:
Privacy Options
Operational settings