7. Adjust the ISOFIX a achments
The ISOFIX a achments can be adjusted for many posi ons to fit the different
posi ons of ISOFIX low anchorages expending from car seat. As the picture
shows, li the ISOFIX adjuster bu on in front of the child seat up, the ISOFIX
a achment of both sides will eject to the longest posi on. Latch both of the
ISOFIX a achments with the corresponding ISOFIX lower anchorages. When you
hear a “click” means that the ISOFIX a achments and the ISOFIX lower
anchorages are all latched completely. Meanwhile the ISOFIX latching indica on
shows GREEN (see picture). If you want to release the ISOFIX a achments, just
need to push the ISOFIX release bu on (see picture).So the installa on of the
ISOFIX a achments is finished. Next, you can li the ISOFIX adjuster bu on up
again and push the child seat towards the car seat backrest un l it is firmly
pressed against the car seat backrest. Now the installa on of the ISOFIX base is
Except the first posi on (the longest posi on) has the locking system,
need to be adjusted by li ing the ISOFIX adjuster bu on, other posi ons can be
adjusted just by pushing the ISOFIX base directly.