Basics for the teaching-in of a finger
For the teaching-in of a finger, the finger to be taught-
in is repeatedly laid on. It is important to vary the posi
tion of the finger with repeated laying on by a few mil
limetres each time, so that the fingerprint reader can
register the largest possible finger area.
1. Place the finger to be taught-in cen
trally until an acknowledgement tone
is heard.
2. Shift the finger slightly upwards.
3. Shift the finger slightly downwards.
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 until 1 long
acknowledgement tone is heard and
the LED lights up green
With "difficult" fingers (e.g. those of small
children or those with very dry skin) it may be necessary
to lay on the finger to be taught-in up to 7 times. If a
negative acknowledgement is heard after the seventh
attempt (3 short sounds), the teach-in of the finger was
not successful.
In this case position the finger again (step 1) or use
another finger.