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 (Building Products) 









Gledhill (Building Products) Ltd (“We” or “Gledhills”) only do business upon the Conditions which appear below 

and no other.  Unless we so agree in writing these Conditions shall apply in full to any supply of goods by us to the 
exclusion of any Conditions or terms sought to be imposed by any purchaser.  These Conditions of Sale and Warranty 
Terms override those which are contained on the Invoice Forms and all Sales are now subject to these Conditions of 
Sale and Warranty terms only.



Once an order or call off has been accepted the price will be held for three months 

but if delivery is extended 

beyond that period at the customer’s request, then we reserve the right to amend the price when necessary.


The company reviews its pricing annually to adjust for changes in our cost base.  We reserve the right to alter prices 
at any time for severe movements in raw materials (mainly copper and steel).  If there is to be a change we will give 
customers at least four weeks notice but anything delivered after that date will be at the revised price.  An order 
may not be cancelled or varied after acceptance without the written consent of the company.  Such cancellation or 
variation shall be subject to such reasonable charges as may be appropriate.



The goods are supplied in accordance with the Specifications (if any) submitted to the Purchaser and any additions 
and alterations shall be the subject of an extra charge.  Any goods not so specified shall be in accordance with 
our printed literature or the literature of any of our component suppliers (subject to any modifications made since 
publication).  If we adopt any changes in construction or design of the goods, or in the specification printed in our 
literature, the Purchaser shall accept the goods so changed in fulfilment of the order.



The buyer shall make payment in full within thirty days from the end of the month in which the invoice is dated.  If 
we receive payment in full on or before the due date we will allow an appropriate settlement discount except where 
we have quoted a special net price.  If payment is not received in full on or before the due date we shall be entitled 
in addition to the invoice price to:

payment of a sum equal to any increase in the copper price supplement applicable to the particular goods sold 
between the date of receipt of order and the date of receipt of payment in full; and 


interest on any part of the invoice price unpaid after the due date at the rate of 3% per annum over the base 
rate for the time being of HSBC Bank plc.



We give estimates of delivery dates in good faith and time of delivery is not nor shall be made of the essence of any 
contract nor shall we be liable for any loss or damage occasioned by delay in delivery.



We deliver free normally by our own vehicles within 25 miles of any of our manufacturing depots.  Delivery to any 
place more than 25 miles from one of our manufacturing depots may be subject to our quoted delivery charges.  We 
reserve the right to make delivery of goods contained in one order by more than one consignment and at different 
times.  Where a period is agreed for delivery and such period is not extended by our Agreement, the Purchaser shall 
take delivery within that period.    If the Purchaser fails to take delivery, we shall be entitled at the Purchaser’s risk 
and expense to store the goods at the Purchaser’s premises or elsewhere and to demand payment as if they had 
been despatched.  Off loading at point of delivery shall be the responsibility of and be undertaken by the Purchaser.



Goods must be inspected before signature of delivery note and any damage, shortage or discrepancy noted on the 
delivery note and the goods returned on the same vehicle.  The buyer must also give us immediate written notice of 
the damage, shortage or discrepancy so that we may prompt investigation.



Goods may not be returned to the Company except by prior written permission of an authorised officer of the 
Company and such return shall be subject to payment by the Purchaser of handling and re-stocking charges, 
transport and all other costs incurred by the Company.



9.1.  Subject to the terms of these Conditions of Sale and Guarantee Terms Gledhills provide Guarantees in respect 

of specific products as set out in this clause.

9.2.  Each Guarantee is strictly conditional upon the following:-
9.2.1.  Complaints must be given to us immediately, before any action is taken, as responsibility cannot be accepted 

if repairs or renewals are attempted on site without our written approval.

9.2.2.  The unit has been installed in accordance with our installation and service instructions and all relevant codes 

of practice and regulations in force at the time of installation.

9.2.3.  All necessary inlet controls and safety valves have been fitted correctly. 
9.2.4.  The unit has only been used for the storage of potable water supplied from the public mains. The water quality 

shall be in accordance with European Council Directive 98/83 EC, or revised version at the date of installation, 
and is not fed with water from a private supply. Particular:


Chloride content: 

Max. 200 mg/l


Sulphate content: 

Max. 200 mg/l


Combination chloride/sulphate: 

Max. 300 mg/l (in total)

9.2.5  Where appropriate the unit has been regularly maintained as detailed in the installation and service instructions 
9.2.6.  Defects caused by corrosion or scale deposits are not covered by any Guarantee.
9.2.7.  Where we agree to rectify any defect we reserve the right to undertake the work on our own premises.
9.2.8.  We will not accept any labour charges associated with replacing the unit or parts for any of the following 

products listed.

9.2.9.  If the newly fitted water heater is not in regular use then it must be flushed through with fresh water for at least 

15 minutes. Open at least one hot water tap once per week, during a period of at least 4 weeks.

9.3.  Guarantees are provided in respect of specified goods supplied by Gledhills as follows:- 

(a)  Domestic and Commercial Open Vented Cylinders and Tanks.


The storage vessel is guaranteed for ten years and if it proves to be defective either in materials or workmanship, 
we reserve the right to either repair or supply replacement at our option with the closest substitute in the case 
of any obsolete product to any address in England, Wales and Scotland (excluding all Scottish Islands).

(b)  Domestic Mains Fed Products [Primary Stores]


The storage vessel is guaranteed for five years and if it or any integral pipework as part of the storage vessel 
assembly proves to be defective either in materials or workmanship, we reserve the right to either repair or 
supply replacement at our option with the closest substitute in the case of any obsolete product to any address 
in England, Wales and Scotland (excluding all Scottish Islands).


(c)  Unvented Cylinders


Gledhill guarantee the components including controls, valves and electrical parts for two years from the date 



The guarantee for the stainless steel vessel is 
for twenty five years against material defect or 
manufacturing faults if the original unit is returned to 

  (i)  It has not been modified, other than by Gledhill.
  (ii)  It has not been subjected to wrong or improper 

use or left uncared for.

  (iii)  It has only been used for the storage of potable 

water supplied from the public mains, max 
200mg/litre chloride.

  (iv)  It has not been subjected to frost damage.
  (v)  The benchmark service record is completed after 

each annual service.

  (vi)  The unit has been serviced annually.
  (vii) Any disinfection has been carried out strictly in 

accordance with BS6700.


If the stainless steel vessel proves to be defective 
either in materials or workmanship we reserve the 
right to either repair or supply replacement at our 
option with the closest substitute in the case of any 
obsolete product to any address in England, Wales and 
Scotland (excluding all Scottish Islands).




We will require the return of a cylinder which develops 
a leak for inspection. If our examination confirms a 
failure then an appropriate level of credit against the 
cost of the original cylinder will be issued in line with 
the terms of our warranty.

Please note:

  -    Installation must have been carried out by a 

licensed specialized company (heating contractor 
or plumber) following the version of installation 
instructions in force.

  -   Gledhill or its representative was given the 

opportunity to check complaints on site 
immediately after any defect occurred.

  -   Confirmation exists that the system was 

commissioned properly and  that the system 
was checked and maintenance was performed 
annually by a specialised company licensed for 
this purpose.

(d)  Components of our products other than 

Storage Vessels and Integral Pipework.  


We will either extend to the purchaser the same terms 
of warranty as we are given by the manufacturer of the 
component or if the manufacturer does not give any 
warranty, replace free of charge any component which 
becomes defective within two years after the date of the 
delivery by us and is returned to us at the purchaser’s 
expense but we shall not meet the cost of removal or 
shipping or return of the component or any other cost 
charges or damages incurred by the purchaser.

9.4.1.  In respect of goods supplied by us  and in respect of 

any installation work carried out by or on our behalf, 
our entire liability and the purchaser’s sole remedies 
(subject to the Guarantees) shall be as follows:-

  (a)  We accept liability for death or personal injury to 

the extent that it results from our negligence or 
that of our employees

  (b)  Subject to the other provisions of this clause 9 

we accept liability for direct physical damage 
to tangible property to the extent that such 
damage is caused by our negligence or that of our 
employees, agents or subcontractors.

  (c)  Our total liability to the purchaser over and above 

any liability to replace under the Guarantees 
(whether in contract or in tort including 
negligence) in respect of any one cause of loss or 
damage claimed to result from any breach of our 
obligations hereunder, shall be limited to actual 
money damages which shall not exceed £20,000 
provided that such monetary limit shall not apply 
to any liability on the part of ourselves referred to 
in paragraph (a) above

  (d)  Except as provided in paragraph (a) above but 

otherwise not withstanding any provision herein 
contained in no event shall we be liable for the 
following loss or damage howsoever caused and 
even if foreseeable by us or in our contemplation:-

   (i)  economic loss which shall include loss of 


profits, business revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings 

   (ii)  damages in respect of special indirect or consequential loss or damage (other than death, personal 

injury and damage to tangible property)

   (iii)  any claim made against the purchaser by any other party (save as expressly provided in paragraph (b) 


  (e)  Except in respect of our liability referred to in paragraph (a) above no claim may be made or action brought 

(whether in contract or in tort including negligence) by the purchaser in respect of any goods supplied by 
us more than one year after the date of the invoice for the relevant goods.

  (f)  Without prejudice to any other term we shall not be liable for any water damage caused directly or 

indirectly as a result of any leak or other defect in the goods.    We cannot control the conditions of use of 
the goods or the time or manner or location in which they will be installed and the purchaser agrees to be 
fully responsible for testing and checking all works which include the goods at all relevant times (up to, 
including and after commissioning) and for taking all necessary steps to identify any leaks and prevent any 
damage being caused thereby.

  (g)  Nothing in these Conditions shall confer on the purchaser any rights or remedies to which the purchaser 

would not otherwise be legally entitled


Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein the purchaser’s hereby agree to fully indemnify us against 
any damages losses costs claims or expenses incurred by us in respect of any claim brought against us by any third 
party for:-

any loss injury or damage wholly or partly caused by any goods supplied by us or their use.

(b)  any loss injury or damage wholly or partly caused by the defective installation or substandard workmanship or 

materials used in the installation of any goods supplied by us.


any loss injury or damage in any way connected with the performance of this contract.

(d)  any loss resulting from any failure by the purchaser to comply with its obligations under these terms as to 

install and/or check  works correctly.


 that this paragraph will not require the purchaser to indemnify us against any liability for our own acts of 

negligence or those of our employees agents or sub-contractors


 in the case of goods supplied by us which are re-sold and installed by a third party by the purchaser it will 

be the sole responsibility of the purchaser to test the goods immediately after their installation to ensure that inter 
alia they are correctly installed and in proper working order free from leaks and are not likely to cause any loss injury 
or damage to any person or property.


Should our warranty and exclusion be unacceptable we are prepared to negotiate for variation in their terms but 
only on the basis of an increase in the price to allow for any additional liability or risk which may result from the 
variation. Purchasers are advised to insure against any risk or liability which they may incur and which is not covered 
by our warranty.

12.   ADVICE

Any advice or assistance given by the Company is provided without charge and is in good faith without undertaking, 
representation or warranty, and we will not accept any liability, whether consequential or compensatory, for advice 
or assistance given.


(a)   goods supplied by us shall be at the Purchaser’s risk immediately upon delivery to the Purchaser or into 

custody on the Purchaser’s behalf or to the Purchaser’s Order.  The Purchaser shall effect adequate insurance 
of the goods against all risks to the full invoice value of the goods, such insurance to be effective from the time 
of delivery until property in the goods shall pass to the Purchaser as hereinafter provided.

(b)   property in the goods supplied hereunder will pass to the Purchaser when full payment has been made by the 

Purchaser to us for :-

  (i)   the goods of the subject of this contract.
  (ii)   all other goods the subject to of any other contract between the Purchaser and us which, at the time of 

payment of the full price of the goods sold under this contract, have been delivered to the Purchaser but 
not paid for in full.

(c)   until property in the goods supplied hereunder passes to the Purchaser in accordance with paragraph (2) 


  (i)   the Purchaser shall hold the goods in a fiduciary capacity for us and shall store the same separately from 

any other goods in the Purchaser’s possession and in a manner which enables them to be identified as our 

  (ii)   the Purchaser shall immediately return the goods to us should our authorised representative so request.  

All the necessary incidents associated with a fiduciary relationship shall apply.

(d)   the Purchaser’s right to possess the goods shall cease forthwith upon the happening of any of the following 

events, namely :-

  (i)   if the Purchaser fails to make payment in full for the goods within the time stipulated in clause 4 hereof.
  (ii)   if the Purchaser, not being a company, commits any act of bankruptcy, makes a proposal to his or her 

creditors for a compromise or does anything which would entitle a petition for a Bankruptcy Order to be 

  (iii)  if the Purchaser, being a company, does anything or fails to do anything which would entitle an 

administrator or an administrative receiver or a receiver to take possession of any assets or which would 
entitle any person to present a petition for winding up or to apply for an administration order.


the Purchaser hereby grants to us an irrevocable licence to enter at any time any vehicle or premises owned 
or occupied by the Purchaser or in the possession of the Purchaser for the purposes of repossessing and 
recovering any such goods the property in which has remained in us under paragraph (2) above.  We shall not 
be responsible for and the Purchaser  will indemnify us against liability in respect of damage caused to any 
vehicle or premises in such repossession and removal being damaged which it was not reasonably practicable 
to avoid.


notwithstanding paragraph (3) hereof and subject to paragraph (7) hereof, the Purchaser shall be permitted 
to sell the goods to third parties in the normal course of business.  In this respect the Purchaser shall act in the 
capacity of our commission agent and the proceeds of such sale :-

  (i)   shall be held in trust for us in a manner which enables such proceeds to be identified as such, and:
  (ii)   shall not be mixed with other monies nor paid into an overdrawn bank account.


We, as principal, shall remunerate the Purchaser as commission agent a commission depending upon the 
surplus which the Purchaser can obtain over and above the sum, stipulated in this contract of supply which 
will satisfy us.

(g)   in the event that the Purchaser shall sell any of the goods pursuant to clause (6) hereof, the Purchaser shall 

forthwith inform us in writing of such sale and of the 
identity and address of the third party to whom the 
goods have been sold.

(h)  if, before property in the goods passes to the 

Purchaser under paragraph (2) above the goods are or 
become affixed to any land or building owned by the 
Purchaser it is hereby agreed and declared that such 
affixation shall not have the effect of passing property 
in the goods to the Purchaser.  Furthermore if, before 
property in the goods shall pass to the Purchaser 
under paragraph (2) hereof, the goods are or become 
affixed to any land or building (whether or not owned 
by the Purchaser), the Purchaser  shall:-

  (i)   ensure that the goods are capable of being removed 

without material injury to such land or building.

  (ii)   take all necessary steps to prevent title to the 

goods from passing to the landlord of such land or 

  (iii)  forthwith inform us in writing of such affixation and 

of the address of the land or building concerned.


The Purchaser warrants to repair and make good 
any damage caused by the affixation of the goods 
to or their removal from any land or building and to 
indemnify us against all loss damage or liability we 
may incur or sustain as a result of affixation or removal.

  (i)   in the event that, before property in the goods 

has passed to the Purchaser under paragraph (2) 
hereof, the goods or any of them are lost, stolen, 
damaged or  destroyed :-

  (ii)  the Purchaser shall forthwith inform us in writing 

of the fact and circumstances of such loss, theft, 
damage or destruction.

  (iii)  the Purchaser shall assign to us the benefit of any 

insurance claim in respect of the goods so lost, 
stolen, damaged or destroyed.


If the Purchaser shall fail to make full payment for the goods 
supplied hereunder within the time stipulated in clause 4 
hereof or be in default of payment for any other reason then, 
without prejudice to any of our other rights hereunder, we 
shall be entitled to stop all deliveries of goods and materials 
to the Purchaser, including deliveries or further deliveries of 
goods under this contract.  In addition we shall be entitled to 
terminate all outstanding orders.


All prices quoted are exclusive of Value Added Tax which 
will be charged at the rate ruling at the date of despatch of 


We are only prepared to deal with those who are not 
consumers within the terms of the Unfair Contract Terms 
Act 1977, the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the Supply of 
Goods and Services Act 1982.  Accordingly any person who 
purchases from us shall be deemed to have represented that 
he is not a consumer by so purchasing.


The agreement is subject to English law for products 
delivered in England and Scottish law for products delivered 
in Scotland and any dispute hereunder shall be settled in 
accordance therewith dependent upon the location.


Gledhill have a policy of continuous product development 
and may introduce product modifications from time to time.

Summary of Contents for BOILERMATE CP BMSCP120


Page 2: ... www planningportal gov uk A suitably competent trades person must install the BoilerMate CP and carry out any subsequent maintenance repairs In fact the appliance front cover is secured by 2 screws and this should only be removed by a competent trades person The manufacturer s notes must not be taken as overriding statutory obligations The Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide 2013 defines ...

Page 3: and will not suffer from the problems associated with using PVCu soil stacks to take the discharge from unvented cylinders The heat losses from thermal stores should not be directly compared with heat losses from unvented or vented cylinders because they are treated differently in SAP This is because the unvented and vented cylinders are tested at 65 C and the thermal store at 75 C Figure 1 1 ...

Page 4: ...for wiring by the installer to the suitable 230V ac supply Polyphosphate scale inhibitor for fitting on site by the installer Ballvalve overflow connector for top up cistern Figure 1 2 6 7 13 4 5 10 11 3 9 2 1 12 8 Note The Appliance dimensions above do not allow for the100mm high installation base The following table of minimum cupboard dimensions only allow the minimum space required for the app...

Page 5: ...ulator on the cold inlet should be removed No check valve or similar device should be fitted on the cold water supply branch to the BoilerMate CP ThehotwaterflowratefromtheBoilerMateCPisdirectlyrelatedtotheadequacyofthe coldwatersupplytothedwelling Thismustbecapableofprovidingforthoseservices which could be required to be supplied simultaneously and this maximum demand should be calculated using p...

Page 6: ...anbeused as long as both the hot and cold supplies are mains fed However all mains pressure systems are subject to dynamic changes particularly when other hot and cold taps showers are opened and closed which will cause changes in the water temperature at mixedwateroutletssuchasshowers Forthis reason and because these are now no more expensivethanamanualshowerwestrongly recommendtheuseofthermostat...

Page 7: Valve not mid position CH flow to dwelling CH return from dwelling Pump position to overcome pressure loss on central heating circuit no additional requirement for system expansion or excess pressure District supply District return District supply District return Pump position to overcome pressure loss on central heating circuit and coil no additional requirement for system expansion or excess ...

Page 8: ...ion The appliance can then be lifted into position in the cupboard on top of the base and the front panel removed by unscrewing the 2 screws and liftingthedoorupandout readyforconnection of the pipework and electrical supplies The feed and expansion cistern support shall be installed ensuring that the base is fully supported the working head of the appliance is not exceeded and the recommended acc...

Page 9: ...uitable servicing valve The overflow warning pipe if provided shall have a continuous fall be fitted to dischargeclearofthebuildingandbesitedsothatanyoverflowcanbeeasilyobserved It shall also be installed in a size and material suitable for use with heating feed and expansion cisterns in accordance with BS 5449 e g 22mm copper and should not have any other connections to it Note If a warning overf...

Page 10: ... E PL SL Room thermostat E C 1 2 3 port divert valve ML MN E PL SL Wiring diagram CH pump required CH Pump L N E Programmer Fuse Spur L N E L N On On Off Off HW CH Store thermostat E C 1 2 2 port zone valve ML MN E PL SL Room thermostat E C 1 2 3 port divert valve ML MN E PL SL Wiring diagram HW CH pump required CH Pump L N E The following control wiring diagrams ensure that the district heating s...

Page 11: ...sections of the Benchmark Checklist located on the inside back pages of this document Thismustbecompletedduringcommissioningandleftwiththeproducttomeet the Warranty conditions offered by Gledhill Basic pump operation testing Inordertoconfirmthatthepumpisoperational and that all air has been cleared from the pump circuitpipework includingthePHE Performthe following actions 1 Ensure that the unit is...

Page 12: ... other combustible materials against or on top of this appliance The front panel should then be refitted Annual Servicing No annual servicing of the BoilerMate CP is necessary However if required the operation of the controls and a hot water performance test can becarriedouttoprovetheapplianceisworking satisfactorily and within its specification If it is decided to carry out the above tests the wa...

Page 13: ...h continuity test dead test to ensure that the appliance is earthed Mains voltage test dead test to ensure that the appliance is isolated Resistance to earth dead test to ensure that the wiring insulation to the product is intact Short circuit test dead test to ensure that no components in the products circuit have a short circuit Visually inspect wiring is correct as per fig 4 3 Connect supply Po...

Page 14: ...ors 12Kohm 25 C B4050K HZ l min HZ l min 20 3 4 95 17 1 25 4 4 100 18 0 30 5 3 105 19 0 35 6 2 110 19 9 40 7 1 115 20 8 45 8 0 120 21 7 50 8 9 125 22 6 55 9 8 130 23 5 60 10 7 135 24 4 65 11 7 140 25 3 70 12 6 145 26 2 75 13 5 150 27 2 80 14 4 155 28 1 85 15 3 160 29 0 90 16 2 165 29 9 flow rate determination SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE FAULT FINDING Check for presence of overheat link An overheat l...

Page 15: ...r can be checked at the same time by removing the upper pipe section Thermal store return check valve return servicing valve Isolate both servicing valves Drain water from the section between the servicing valves Remove the bottom pipe section Check for free movement of the check valve incorporated in the body Remove and replace if the check valve sticks SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE FAULT FINDING Che...

Page 16: ...AtORS ltd Haywood House 40 New Road Stourbridge West Midlands DY8 1PA TeLePHONe 01384 442611 FAX 01384 442612 water Savings water Related Costs Can Be Reduced By good Plumbing Practice TAPS MIXERS SHOWERS Unregulated 25 30 l m Regulated 10 12 l m Over 20 l m 5 6 or 8 l m 2 tap half open Fitted with regulator Unregulated 4 Fixing Options For taps Mixers 1 MK Range Combined Regulators Aerator forscr...

Page 17: ...ese allow one or two persons to have a purposely designed hold at the top of the appliance to ensure easy lifting at the top of the product e Taking the lead for team lifts As more than one person is required for these products ensure that one person is taking the lead This may be you so ensure that each person that is helping is made aware of the weight and of the items listed within this assessm...

Page 18: ...Page 34 Page 35 NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES ...

Page 19: ...ity to replace under the Guarantees whether in contract or in tort including negligence in respect of any one cause of loss or damage claimed to result from any breach of our obligations hereunder shall be limited to actual money damages which shall not exceed 20 000 provided that such monetary limit shall not apply to any liability on the part of ourselves referred to in paragraph a above d Excep...

Page 20: ...o Comments Signature SERVICE 07 Date Engineer name Company name Telephone No Comments Signature SERVICE 09 Date Engineer name Company name Telephone No Comments Signature SERVICE 02 Date Engineer name Company name Telephone No Comments Signature SERVICE 04 Date Engineer name Company name Telephone No Comments Signature SERVICE 06 Date Engineer name Company name Telephone No Comments Signature SERV...

Page 21: ...3 474412 OR WWW GLEDHILL SPARES NET Due to a programme of continuous improvement Gledhill Building Products reserve the right to modify products without prior notice It is advisable to check the product technical detail by using the latest design and installation manuals available from our technical support team or on our website It is an offence to copy or adapt this document without consent of t...
