8/9) A & B Course Gain Controls
This pre-set potentiometer adjusts the input gain of the incoming signal, to get it to
the correct use for the headphone amplifier. This is a multi-turn pre-set which rotates
20 times, to allow a fairly fine level of accuracy when setting the gain.
As a general rule these pre-sets are only altered when first connecting to a new
setup and the factory default is that they are lined up for a 0dB input level.
10) Phase Reverse Switch
For most customers this switch is irrelevant and this should be set to normal.
When the switch is in the ‘PHASE REVERSE RIGHT EAR’ position the phase of the
B audio input is reversed. This is a requirement of some older style wiring of BBC
11) Input Select Switch
This switch alters the audio input source being sent to the stereo headphone
amplifier. It can either be two balanced mono audio sources from the rear panel
XLRs with one source being sent to the ‘A’ circuit and the other to the ‘B’ circuit or if
the switch is in the ‘UNBALANCED STEREO’ position then the ‘A’ XLR input will
accept an unbalanced stereo source and route this to the A nd B circuits.
8) A Course
9) B Course
10) Phase
Revers switch
11) Input
Select switch