RP6 ROBOT SYSTEM - 3. Hardware and Software Setup
Please take out the black battery holder afterwards
(see figure).
Make sure that the main
power switch is in the position
“OFF”! The switch lever must
point to the direction of the
text “OFF” and the large cyl-
indrical capacitor on the main
board (see figure)!
Before reactivating the robot,
please check correct orientation
of the batteries.
You may now insert 6 NiMH Batteries with
CAUTION: The Fuse will blow if you in-
sert the Batteries with wrong orienta-
In worst case, this may even damage
parts of the electronics!
Thus you should better directly insert the
Batteries in the correct way to avoid any
problems! There are also markings in the
Battery holder ( (+) and (-), the negative
terminal (the flat side) must point to the
springs in the holder) to help you.
Check everything three times – just to
be sure!
Now you can put the batteryholder back
into the chassis. Take care of the cables!
Avoid cables hanging around near the
Having opened the robot anyway, you may
now do a quick check of both gearing sys-
tems and the encoder wheels for transport
damages or e.g. loosened bolts, screws and
other components. Please
very carefully
and slowly
turn the backside wheels
one revolution
Turning half a revolution forward and backward would be enough already. You should
be able to sense a remarkable resistance, but the wheel must be rotating freely. The
gearwheels have to be moving freely! Please also have a look at appendix A!
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