Drag and Drop
There are several points at which drag and drop is used:
The .sup file.
(see page 5 above)
The .hrm file
. During installation a file named impOSCar.hrm is installed.
The .hrm file contains the User Wave data and as you build up the number
of saved User Waves these can be loaded into any instance of the impOSCar
by simply dragging the .hrm file onto the GUI of the impOSCar. Like the .sup
file the .hrm file is a standard text file and it can be shared with other
impOSCar users.
Patch banks and individual Patches.
All the impOSCar sounds are
provided in various formats upon the impOSCar Master CD ROM.
Depending upon your host application drag and drop can be used to load
Patches. When using Cubase all the impOSCar Patches are supplied as
individual .fxp files. Locate these on the Master CD ROM and simply drag
and drop them on to the impOSCar GUI to load. Similarly all the
impOSCar Patches are saved as .pst files, which can be loaded via the
impOSCar GUI using drag and drop within Logic.