Important informati on!
To make the search mode more convenient, a preselecti on
of the provider by entering the country has been implemented. Once the country
has been selected, the corresponding provider of the country is displayed under
“Scan mode”. Select it using the navigati on butt ons.
Alternati vely, you can also use the channel list we have predefi ned (select “default
scan” for this). However, when using a CI+ module, we recommend always selecti ng
the provider in scan mode.
Please deacti vate the LCN functi on for the “Automati c search” via operator as
the channel list is accessed via the CI+ card.
Once the selecti on has been completed successfully, the search can be started via
the “Search” butt on and by confi rming this with the [OK] butt on. A window with
the message “Search in progress” will now appear, indicati ng that the search is be-
ing performed. Once this has disappeared again, this means the search is fi nished
and the channels found are saved.
1. Select the source “DVB-S” and confi rm this with the [OK] butt on.
2. Now press the [MENU] butt on then go to the item “PROGRAMME”.
3. Then press “Automati c search”.
4. Enter your password.
5. Now select “FRANSAT / TIVUSAT” here.
6. The search will begin. Now all FRANSAT channels / TIVUSAT channels have
been added.