737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Flight Management, Navigation -
Company Data Link
Uplinked data may be loaded automatically or may require flight crew action.
Three uplinks automatically load data into the FMC when the REQUEST prompt
is selected and do not require execution.
Uplinked data that waits in system memory for flight crew action are considered
to be pending. A pending uplink is included or discarded when the flight crew
selects the applicable prompt. Flight crew response to an uplink depends on the
type of uplink. Flight crew action is made with ACCEPT/REJECT or LOAD
prompts, FMC modification ERASE prompt or EXEC key, or when the page with
the uplink is selected.
Data can be uplinked from the airline dispatcher directly to the FMC. The uplinks
are annunciated to the crew on the engine display. The uplink is identified by a
CDU scratchpad message.
PERF INIT uplinks are available only on the ground and after an origin airport has
been entered on the RTE page.
RTE DATA cruise winds are available when not in descent and a cruise altitude
and a flight plan route exist.
DES FORECASTS winds are available if a cruise altitude exists.
1B401, 1B402, 1B801 - 1B824
•ACARS Uplink Message (white)
Indicates receipt of an uplinked ACARS message. The uplink is identified by a
CDU scratchpad message.
March 1, 2021