737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Normal Procedures -
Amplified Procedures
Move the switch for the pilot flying to ON first.
Bank Angle selector - As needed
HDG Selector - Normally set to runway heading (if known).
Autopilot DISENGAGE bar - UP
EFB . ..........................................................ON and updated (C, F/O)
-MAX 8 EB1 fleet
RUNWAY INHIBIT . .................................................INHIBIT (F/O)
AUTOBRAKE select switch. ...........................................RTO (F/O)
Verify that the AUTOBRAKE DISARM light is extinguished.
ANTISKID INOP light . ........................... Verify extinguished (F/O)
FUEL FLOW switch . ....................................................... Rate (F/O)
Move switch to RESET then RATE.
Engine instruments . ...................................................Check (C, F/O)
MFD - SYS . ...............................................................PUSH SYS
Verify hydraulic quantity, no RF shown.
MFD - ENG . ............................................................. PUSH ENG
Verify that the primary and secondary engine indications show
existing conditions and no exceedance.
verify engine oil quantity. A minimum of 70% or
15 quarts is necessary for dispatch.
Radio tunning panel or VHF communication radios. .....Set (C, F/O)
Verify that the Offside Tuning Light is extinguished (as installed).
VHF NAVIGATION radios . .................... Set for departure (C, F/O)
Audio control panel . .......................................................Set (C, F/O)
WARNING:Do not key the HF radio while the airplane
is being fueled. Injury to personnel can
CAUTION:Do not put objects between the seat and the
aisle stand. Injury can occur when seat is
March 1, 2021