The following pages outline important
safety information. At Goldacres safety is
a high priority. These safety and warning
instructions MUST be followed to ensure the
safe operation of your Goldacres equipment.
Explanation of key terms used in this
operator’s manual are:
- You will be killed or seriously hurt
if you don’t follow instructions
- You can be seriously hurt if you
don’t follow instructions
- You can be hurt if you don’t
follow instructions
- Is used to notify people of
installation, operation or maintenance
information that is important but not hazard
The Operator
All operators of this equipment should be
adequately trained in the safe operation
of this equipment. It is important that all
operator’s have read and fully understand
the operators manual prior to using this
All new operators should be trained in an
area without bystanders or obstructions and
become familiar with the sprayer prior to
Safety Precautions
• Never stand within the radius of boom
• Keep clear of overhead obstructions.
• CRUSH HAZARD - Keep hands clear of
moving parts when carrying out boom
fold and unfold sequences.
• Any unauthorised modifications to this
equipment may affect its function and
create a serious safety risk.
• Never attempt to clean parts or nozzles,
by blowing with mouth.
• Never attempt to siphon chemicals, or
substances, by sucking.
• It is imperative that the vehicle
manufacturer’s specifications be
checked and all instructions for use when
transporting, or towing, be adhered to at
all times.
• Care should be taken when transferring
liquid into the tank to ensure that the
gross weight of the equipment does
not exceed the carrying, braking and/or
towing capacity of the vehicle to which
the equipment is attached as specified
by the vehicle manufacturer.
• Water weighs 1kg per litre, however
conversion factors must be used when
spraying liquids that are heavier or lighter
than water. Example: liquid urea has a
density of 1.28 kg/L and will therefore be
significantly heavier than water if the tank
is filled completely.
• Suitable care should be taken when
driving with the equipment attached to
the vehicle. Consideration should be
given to both the carrying capacity of the
vehicle and the gradient of the terrain
when determining the speed at which the
vehicle can be driven safely.
• Ensure that the maximum speed of
the vehicle, when loaded, is within the
vehicle manufacturers limitations.
• Ensure equipment is securely fastened,
or attached to the vehicle at all times.
• Regularly check the pump mounting
bolts. The pump will always vibrate to
some degree when operating, and this
may work the bolts loose.
• Always ensure that there is adequate
room for the boom to open.
• Always ensure that the boom is
adequately supported when transporting.
• A supply of fresh water should be with
the equipment at all times.
• Standard polyethylene tanks are not
designed for use with diesel fuel or any
flammable liquid.
• Do not use this machine in ambient
temperatures exceeding 40 degrees
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