8.2.1 Timeshift: Auto
If you choose the
‘Auto’ method for the Timeshift item, you should also configure the Timeshift
Length and Timeshift to Record items to set the time length of timeshift and whether or not to
turn on the record function during timeshift. After setting, the Timeshift function will auto work
5 seconds after entering any channel.
To watch the program content before current time, press FR key to go back to the desired
time period. Press STOP key to exit the timeshift play.
8.2.2 Timeshift: Pause
If you choose the
‘Pause’ method for the Timeshift item, you should also configure the
Timeshift Length and Timeshift to Record items. After that, while watching a program if you
want to start the Timeshift function, just press PAUSE key. The system will then start to save a
video piece from the current time for you to watch later.
8.2.3 Timeshift: Off
If you choose the
‘Off’ method for the Timeshift item, the Timeshift Length and Timeshift to
Record items are unavailable. In this case, you can press PAUSE or FR keys to start the
Timeshift function only when recording program. The timeshift length depends on the free
space of the USB device or card.
You can carry out system software upgrade through
Main Menu -> Settings -> Upgrade
At present the system supports three methods to upgrade the system software: USB Upgrade,
OTA Upgrade and NET Upgrade.
9.1 USB/Card Upgrade
Highlight the USB Upgrade item and then press OK key to enter the following USB Upgrade
interface. If there is no USB device inserted, corresponding prompt will appear.