Install the Throttle Push-Rod:
Locate the remaining plastic Push-rod and guide sleeve. Depend-
ing upon the engine you choose to use, you may be able to run the push-
rod directly from the throttle servo to the carburetor control-arm. In the
case of a 4/stroke engine you may need to set up a bellcrank to access
the rear-mounted carburetor. The two procedures are identical except
for the secondary bellcrank.
Using the two, fully-threaded metal connecting studs and an electric
drill, screw ~ 3/8’s of the stud length into the push-rod. Do one end only
at this time. Thread the nylon clevis on one end.
Install the throttle servo as shown (left) using the hardware provided
by the servo manufacturer. If you like, glue (medium CA) a small piece
of 1/8” lite-ply to the back of the servo tray where the servo screws will be
inserted for extra strength. Place the throttle servo arm in the neutral
Drill a 13/64” hole in the firewall if the one provided is not suitable
for your engine setup. Note the best place to dress the push-rod guide in
the fuselage and around the fuel tank. Take care not to hit the fuel tank.
Slip the plastic throttle push-rod guide through the firewall hole and up to
throttle servo. Add the lite-plywood support brackets to the guide as shown
left. Attach the plywood brackets to the formers as shown and be sure the
guides do not interfere with the wing,
(i.e. place them above the wing saddle)
If using a secondary bellcrank (an extra servo arm will work well),
drill the engine mount rail (shown left) and mount bellcrank with a screw.
Use washers to space the bellcrank as needed. Locktite® the screw in
Slide the push-rod in the guide from the servo end and attach the
clevis to the servo arm. Lay the push-rod over the carburetor-arm or
bellcrank. Mark the guide tube near the carburetor-arm or the bellcrank
(as appropriate) for length. Remove the push-rod and cut the guide at
the mark. Reinsert the push-rod.
Attach a clevis to the carburetor-arm or bellcrank and lay the push-
rod and clevis in the proper line with each other....(left). Mark the push-
rod for length and cut.
Screw the threaded stud into the push-rod and then the clevis onto
the thread stud. Adjust the clevis by threading it in or out as necessary to
place the clevis at the carb-arm or bellcrank while the arm or bellcrank is
in the neutral position. Remember to keep the throttle servo arm in the
neutral position at all times.
If using a bellcrank (4/stroke engine), bend a wire push-rod connec-
tor between the bellcrank and the carburetor-arm.