background image 

Adult supervision required.

Parents, please play the first few rounds with your children
to ensure that they are following the instructions 
correctly so the dog does not malfunction.

Age: 4 years and up
For: 2 to 4 players
Playing Time: 15 minutes


•  1 dog with leash and pump
•  1 bone
•  1 die (apply stickers before first use)
•  4 shovels
•  1 container ‘Dog food’ 3.5 Oz (100 g)
•  1 treat mold
•  The rules 

object of the game:

Feed and walk your little pup. When he makes a mess you 
clean it up. Be the first player to get 3 pieces of dog mess 
on your shovel to win.

set up:

Please have all players wash their hands before beginning. 
Place the dog in the center of the table. Each player takes 
one shovel.

Feeding the dog:

Take the ‘dog food’ out of 
the food container. Use the 
cookie mold to cut out a 
dog’s treat. This is  


the correct quantity of material you need to feed the 
dog. Use your fingers to push the ‘treat’ deep inside the 

dog’s mouth. Then push his 

bone in his mouth until you 

cannot push any further.

Leave the bone in the 

Doggie’s mouth while 


playing the game:

The youngest player starts the game and rolls the die. The 
symbols appearing on top of the die indicate which action 
the player must take. See illustrations below:

Once the action is completed, the turn is over and the 
next player on the left will continue to play.

However when the dog makes a mess, the player who 
squeezed the leash will pick up the mess and place it 
on his shovel.This player also feeds the dog for the next 
round. See ‘Feeding the dog’.



squeeze leash 1 time


squeeze leash 2 times


squeeze leash 3 times


lose your turn.


exchange your shovel with a 


player of your choice.  


iMportAnt: pump the leash handle 

quiCKlY and FirMlY.  if the handle is 

pumped too softly or too slowly the food 

may get stuck inside the doggie.

Hate reading instructions? Go to
