Product Description
The *MEC96 furnace may be installed upflow or horizon
tally with left or right side down. The *CEC96 furnace may
be installed downflow or horizontally with left or right side
down. *MEC96 & *CEC96 two-stage gas furnaces features
a multi-speed ECM indoor fan motor, two heating inputs (W1
& W2), two cooling inputs (YLO & Y) and a two stage gas
valve. A single stage heating thermostat may also be used
in conjunction with timed transition to high fire by the furnace
integrated control board.
Product Application
This furnace is primarily designed for residential home-heat
ing applications. It is
designed or certified for use in
mobile homes, trailers or recreational vehicles. Neither is it
designed or certified for outdoor applications. The furnace
be installed indoors (i.e., attic space, crawl space, or
garage area provided the garage area is enclosed with an
operating door).
This furnace can be used in the following non-industrial
commercial applications:
Schools, Office buildings, Churches, Retail stores, Nursing
homes, Hotels/motels, Common or office areas
In such applications, the furnace must be installed with the
following stipulations:
It must be installed per the installation instructions
provided and per local and national codes.
It must be installed indoors in a building constructed
on site.
It must be part of a ducted system and not used in
a free air delivery application.
CO can cause serious illness including permanent brain
damage or death.
Advertencia especial para la instalación de calentadores ó manejadoras
de aire en áreas cerradas como estacionamientos ó cuartos de servicio.
El monóxido de carbono puede causar enfermedades severas
como daño cerebral permanente ó muerte.
Las emisiones de monóxido de carbono pueden circular a través
del aparato cuando se opera en cualquier modo.
Le monoxyde de
carbone peut causer des maladies graves telles que
dommages permanents au cerveau et meme la mort.
Cette ventilation est nécessaire pour éviter le danger d'intoxication
au CO pouvant survenir si un appareil produisant du monoxyde
de carbone continue de fonctionner au sein de la zone confinée.
It must not be used as a “make-up” air unit.
It must be installed as a two-pipe system for
combustion air.
All other warranty exclusions and restrictions apply
This furnace is an ETL dual-certified appliance and
is appropriate for use with natural or propane gas
If using propane, a propane conversion kit
is required).
Dual certification means that the combustion air inlet pipe is
optional and the furnace can be vented as a:
Non-direct vent (single pipe) central forced air
furnace in which combustion air is taken from the
installation area or from air ducted from the outside
Direct vent (dual pipe) central forced air furnace
in which all combustion air supplied directly to the
furnace burners through a special air intake system
outlined in these instructions.
This furnace may be used as a construction site heater
if all of the following conditions are met:
The vent system is permanently installed per these
installation instructions.
A room thermostat is used to control the furnace.
Fixed jumpers that provide continuous heating
CANNOT be used and can cause long term
equipment damage. Bi-metal thermostats, or any
thermostat affected by vibration must not be used
during construction.