- 11 -
You can directly change the sound mode by
pressing I-II button.
To Change Headphone Sound
When you connect headphones, you can
change the headphone sound settings en-
tering the headphone menu. To do this, se-
lect headphone using or button then
enter headphone menu pressing or
Setting Headphone Volume:
As you enter the Headphone sound menu,
Volume will be the first selected option.
Press button to increase the head-
phone volume.
Press button to decrease the head-
phone volume.
Setting Headphone Sound Mode:
Using or button select Mode.
Pressing or button will change the
current sound mode. (e.g.: If the current
sound mode is stereo, it will be stereo or
vice versa).
In case of bilingual broadcast, you can se-
lect original or dubbed language again us-
ing mode menu. So when somebody listens
to the original language from the loudspeak-
ers, somebody else can listen to the dubbed
language from headphone.
To Store the Settings:
Using or button select Store. Press
or button to store current head-
phone volume and balance. The stored
values will be valid for all the programmes.
To Change Sound Settings:
Using or button select Sound Set-
Press or button to enter the Sound
Settings menu.
Setting Sound Effect:
You can use this feature to switch on and off
sound effect. Pressing or button will
turn on and off this feature. If the current
sound system is MONO and the sound ef-
fect is set ON, then the sound will be heard
as if it is STEREO. If the current sound sys-
tem is STEREO, switching this effect on will
make the sound deeper. Switching it off will
make no change in MONO and STEREO.
Setting LBE
(Loudspeaker Bass Enhancement):
Loudspeakers or headphones cannot play
sounds under a specific frequency, which
can vary from one loudspeaker or head-
phone to another. Using LBE function, you
can hear that very bass frequencies from
your loudspeakers and headphones.
Using or button select LBE.
Press or button to make LBE ON
or OFF.
05.08.2002, 10:30