PAGE F - 8
Seal Removal
(Figures E‐1 and F‐4)
Separate the pump and driver and remove the
shaft key (N).
Remove the nuts (D) and slide the gland (04N) and
packing rings (05) off the shaft as a unit. Remove
the gasket (05P).
Use a stiff wire with a hooked end to pull the pack
ing rings out of the gland.
Continue as required with
Seal Installation
(Figures E‐1 and F‐4)
, and reassemble the
pump up to the rotor and shaft assembly (03A).
Clean the seal cavity and shaft with a cloth soaked
in fresh cleaning solvent.
Most cleaning solvents are toxic and
flammable. Use them only in a well ven
tilated area free from flame, sparks, and
excessive heat. Read and follow all pre
cautions printed on solvent containers.
It is recommended that replacement packing rings
pre‐cut to the correct width and length and pack
aged in sets (see the separate Parts List accompa
nying your pump) be ordered from your Gorman‐
Rupp distributor or the factory. However, if bulk
commercial packing will be used, prepare and in
stall it in accordance with the steps outlined below
in order to ensure that the packing will form a tight
Figure F‐4A.
Step 1:
Determine how much bulk packing will be
required to fill the seal cavity and wrap it around a
rod the same diameter as the shaft. With the pack
ing wrapped around the rod, cut through each turn
as shown in Figure F‐4A.
If the cut rings are too thick and will not fit in the
packing cavity, place each turn on a clean piece of
paper and use a length of pipe to roll the ring until
the thickness has been reduced.
attempt to
flatten a packing ring with a hammer.
Figure F‐4B.
Step 2:
It is critical that the ends of the cut packing
ring meet in a tight parallel fit to ensure proper seal
ing. Check this fit; it should be correct if the packing
was cut while wrapped around a rod, but if the
packing was cut while laid out straight the ends will
meet at an angle.
install packing rings with
an angled gap; pressure on adjacent packing
rings will cause them to work into the gap and pre
vent the angled ring from closing properly around
the shaft.