1. The stainless steel cooking tray can easily be cleaned by hand; it
can also be cleaned by unscrewing the wooden handle and
placing the tray in the dishwasher.
2. It is recommended that you clean the inside of the glass tube after
every three uses to prevent build-up of grease or food matter,
which can affect the flavor of food.
3. Clean the cooking tray after every use, clean the tube when
needed and only after it has cooled down.
4. If the reflectors become deformed due to an impact or other
accident, they may be returned to their original shape by bending
by hand. A printable reflector is available at
(http://gosunstove.com/reflectorprofile) and can be cut to check
the shape.
5. If the GoSun cooking tray becomes deformed after extensive use
and becomes noticeably harder to insert into the tube, it can be
remedied by squeezing the tray by hand.
6. If the evacuated tube breaks, it can be removed and replaced by
following the “Tube Removal” section on the opposite side. The
GoSun Sport uses the best evacuated tubes available on the
market, however if they are damaged, a barium layer will oxidize
and a white film will appear on the inside of the outer tube,
indicating that the tube should be replaced.