Sequencer pattern clear, copy and randomize
When on any sequencer edit screen, where you can edit the sequencer parameters,
push the ”Edit” button to enter the sequencer functions. Use the ”Dec” and ”Inc”
buttons to select a function, and push the ”Edit” button to execute a function.
The sequencer functions are:
This function will erase all 32 note tracks, and leave you with an empty
sequence, to start over. The controller tracks and time signature/length/tempo
parameters are leaved unchanged. If you regret having cleared a pattern, you can
always exit to the preset select screen, select another preset, and select this preset
again. Data in memory are not changed, until you save the preset.
By using this function, you can copy the sequencer data from any other preset.
Use edit knob 1 and 2 to select the bank and number of the preset you want to copy
from, and push the ”Edit” button.
Rndm Note:
Randomizes one note track. Select the track you wants to randomize,
using edit knob 1, and push the ”Edit” button.
Rndm Ctrl:
Randomizes one controller track. Select the controller track you wants
to randomize, using edit knob 1, and push the ”Edit” button.