Englisch, Revision 14, Date: 07.02.2017
The header shows the current Profibus status. The following messages are possible:
activates and deactivates the Profibus. It will then be initialized with the slave ad-
dress given under
selects whether the respective highest byte will be output first or last (refer to Table
exits this menu and returns to the main menu. In case parameters were changed,
it is necessary to save them at this point.
For means of diagnosis generating output of several values in
CSV Format
Separated Values; a text file especially formatted to be read by spreadsheet analysis
programs) is possible. This output is continuous at 38.400 baud, 8 bit and even parity,
until it is interrupted by hitting any key. This keystroke generates a reset of the antenna
to the basic settings (not monitor mode) including the stored parameters.
Storing the CSV output is, e.g., possible using the program HyperTerminal® (also refer
to section 5.1 on page 28). Use the function
Text aufzeichnen ...
of menu
and insert an appropriate file name (should bear the file ending
in or-
der to ensure that the spreadsheet calculation program will automatically recognize
this file). Once the file is recorded, stored and closed under HyperTerminal®, it may
be uploaded into a spreadsheet calculation program (e. g. Microsoft® Excel®, Sun®
StarCalc®, ...).
When opening the file various options will be prompted by the spreadsheet calculation
program. Make sure to state that the file consists of Comma Separated Values. Then it
is possible to process the data for the generation of diagrams or save it as native
spreadsheet calculation file.
(B)oot Load
Boot Load
offers the option of updating the software without interruption of the
power supply. However, first the update program must be installed as described in
section 5.3 on page 39.
Profibus Status Messages
Profibus not active / without error
These messages indicate that the Profibus
hardware is either not equipped or faulty
Inadmissible buffer lengths were specified in
the master. Use the GSD file that is included in
the appendix, section H on page 57, or down-
load this file from our website
No contact to the master
Table 21
Possible Profibus Status Messages