line VolTaGe selecToR
For units with serial numbers 94001 through 940306, line voltage must be selected with a cam. To do this, re-
move the AC power chord from the power inlet then use a small screwdriver to pry open the voltage select door.
Carefully remove the voltage select cam and re-insert it with the desired voltage showing. Units with serial num-
bers 940307 and up use universal input power supplies and do not require voltage cam setting. Use the Table 1
(below) for voltage settings and fuse values. Note that time delay or “slow blow” fuses are required.
Table 1 Voltage and Fuse information.
94001 - 940306
250V~ T 800mA L
940306 250V~ T 800mA L
250V~ T 400mA L
250V~ T 400mA L
250V~ T 400mA L
940307 and up
100 - 240V ~
250V~ T 800mA L
ac poWeR coRd
Connect the supplied AC cord to the IEC power entry module on the rear panel of the m904. For safety, it is
recommended that the cable be connected to a grounded outlet.
poWeR-Up seqUence
Before powering up your m904, make sure your monitor speakers or power amps connected to your monitors
are turned OFF, which will prevent any “popping” in your speaker systems. Once the m904 and the rest of your
audio system are powered up, turn on the power to your speakers. When powering down, we recommend that
you first power off your speaker system and then power down the m904.
It should also be noted that while the power sequence will not damage headphones connected to the m904,
you should NOT be wearing them when power is applied or turned off.
SyStem connectIonS
The input/output/interface connections highlighted earlier in this manual are detailed below. Pinout diagrams
are located in the
cable and connector wiring diagrams (page 32)
section of this manual.
BALANCED ANALOG INPUTS - The balanced stereo analog inputs 1 and 2 in addition to the balanced stereo CUE
inputs are provided via female XLR. Connections are made using standard balanced XLR cables, wired to the pin
1 shield, pin 2 positive, pin 3 negative convention.
UNBALANCED ANALOG INPUT - This stereo input is provided for interfacing with consumer level (-10dBv) unbal-
anced analog sources. Connections are made using standard RCA cables.
AES3 DIGITAL INPUTS - Two stereo AES3 inputs are provided via female XLR connectors. Each of these conforms
to the AES3 standard. Use of high quality 110 Ohm balanced cable is highly recommended.
S/PDIF COAXIAL INPUT - Standard coaxial stereo digital input. The input impedance is 75 Ohms. Use a quality 75
Ohm cable for connections to this input.
TOSLINK INPUT - Standard stereo optical input connector for use with consumer devices. Use a standard
TOSLINK optical cable for connections to this input.
ADAT INPUT - This input accepts a standard 8 channel ADAT optical input. 44.1kHz and 48kHz sample rates are
supported. The user can select any of the four channel pairs for monitoring. Use a standard optical cable for
connections to this input.