Open the pot dump valve (J).
Add 10 gallons (30 liters) of fresh water
to the pot. Add abrasive material (see
Technical Specifications, page 66
for capacity
Close the pot dump valve (J).
Use a garden hose or the rinse hose to wash the
abrasive into the pot and clear any abrasive from
the pop-up and gasket.
Make sure water is above the pop-up seal and
pop-up seal is closed. Failure to do so before
pressurizing the pot can result in serious injury
to the operator.
10. When the water level is above the pop-up gasket,
rotate the handle to release the pop-up pin.
11. Turn the selector valve to BLAST.
12. Engage the blast control switch and set the blast
air pressure to a maximum of 175 psi (12.06 bar,
1.2 MPa).
13. Open the abrasive ball valve (M).