Appendix B - ADM Setup Screens Overview
System #3
This screen allows the user to edit the labels for the A
(Red) and B (Blue) sides of the machine. The labels set
for the A (Red) and B (Blue) sides of the machine are
displayed throughout the screens. Labels are limited to
five characters.
The pressure imbalance alarm can also be set. This is
the difference between the A (Red) and B (Blue) side
material pressures before an alarm occurs.
The flowmeter types are defined on this screen. The
available flow meter types are Disabled, HG6000, or
SRZ-100. The ratio deviation value is the allowable per-
centage before the machine displays a pop-up notifica-
tion. The ratio alarm value is the allowable percentage
difference before the machine will stop a dispense.
Keyboard Screen
This screen is used to edit the A (Red) and B (Blue)
labels on the ADM. Use arrow keys to select the desired
letter and press
to accept the letter. Press
exit the keyboard.
This screen shows shot number and sequence position
counters. Use the Counters dropdown menu to select
which set of counters to view.
Do not use the check-boxes on this screen. If a low level
sensor is used, check the box for the Supply Low Level
Sensor option on the