3.2 Programs
You can either work in the standard mode or access specially defined placing programs
using PLU. The standard mode makes it possible to combine basic functions such as
stacking, long-fanning, cross-fanning or circular fanning with the following parameters:
number of slices and number rows/stacks.
3.2.1 Slicing in the Standard Mode (PLU 0000) Stacking
The stacking function enables stack heights of up to 60 mm.
This function is selected by simply pressing the stack button. The display shows the
symbol for stacking. You can preset the number of slices using the +/- buttons. If multiple
stacks are desired, you can increase the number of stacks with the X button. Up to 4
stacks are possible.
When making preparations, it is recommended to set the slice counter to “000”. In this
way, the maximum stack height is always achieved.
If stacks are to be generated on portioning units (foils, PE trays, foam trays, trays etc.),
you can enter the outer dimensions of the portioning units L x W for central placing.
(Option only HA 800: the machine then uses the calibre recognition option to calculate
the best placing point.)
Other Operating Controls
Slice thickness control
Sets the slice thickness.
Sets the limit stop lock (carriage removable)
Sets the sharpening mode (completely opened)
Last slice clamp
Clamps and feeds the food to be sliced to the blade.
Guide rail
Fixes food product on the carriage.
Calibre scanning
Optimum use of placing surface